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July 2024

The Impact of Accessible Learning: Paul's Story

There are countless stories in our digital skills training centre of people whose lives have been transformed by the welcoming environment, encouraging trainers, and access to learning and friendship with others. This is one such story.  

Meet Paul, a man in his 50s who started at Compaid to learn to read and write, skills which he never had the opportunity to gain when he was younger. Living with both a learning and physical disability, Paul has spent most of his time at home, not socialising with anyone outside his family, and watching TV all day for entertainment. 

His sister-in-law says, “It is difficult to overstate the positive effect that Compaid has had on Paul’s life – in his confidence, his happiness, his living life in general.”  

Eighteen months ago, encouraged by his brother and sister-in-law, Paul began searching for new activities to enrich his daily life. He discovered exactly what he needed at Compaid’s digital skills centre. Paul, a man brimming with creativity, curiosity, and talent, has made remarkable progress with the wide range of opportunities provided by our friendly trainers. 

Socially, Paul has grown since joining Compaid, enjoying conversations with trainers and other clients. In terms of personal development, Paul has focused on learning to read and write for the first time. He now keeps a blog, explores digital painting, becomes more active by participating in SEN tennis with other clients, moves around the centre independently, traces his family tree, and notably, learns programming. 

Each week, Paul participates in sessions based on the 'Hour of Code' website, completing simple coding tasks that require reading and basic numeracy skills. This challenge has spurred him to learn more and apply his skills creatively, resulting in a wonderful robotic device for our digital skills training centre. Using a BBC micro, Paul built a small robot that beeps at intervals to remind people to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes of computer use, look away for 20 seconds at something at least 20 feet away. 

Paul said, “My activities at Compaid have given me a great sense of achievement. I feel that I am now spending my time meaningfully.” 

Paul's story is just one of many inspiring journeys from our center, and we are eager to share more of these with you! 

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